New Cat Breed: Cuban Blue

In a Havana apartment, four cats race around the floor and tumble over the furniture playing with each other, occasionally jumping into the laps of their human visitors. They act like typical house cats, but these are not just any felines. They are members of what Cuban cat lovers believe is a newly identified breed of short-hair cat they call the Cuban blue.
Cuban Blue described as a mid- to large-size strong cat, very docile and playful. They also have agreeable personality and looks similar to the Russian blue.
Azul Cubana or the Cuban Blue recognized for the silver-gray shade of its fur was reported by the Cuban Association for Cats (ACAG) as the sixth of its type in the world. According to the ACAG the breed can be easily identified because of strength, elegance and sturdiness of the animals.
As for now, it remains to be seen if the rest of the cat world will accept the Cuban blue as a new breed.